New PUBLIC Facebook Fan Page……GO COUGS!!
IMPORTANT: Attention all members of the Cougar lax family, friends, and fans of the Mountain View Lacrosse Club (MVLC).
We are further developing our facebook presence to best utilize social media and leverage the power to effectively communicate and grow our lacrosse programs.
With that said, the MVLC asks all players, parents, friends, fans, former coaches and anyone with an interest in the MVLC to like our new PUBLIC FAN page on facebook: LINK IS BELOW THE MESSAGE.
With this public fan page we’ll be able to effectively give the opportunity for all to support the MLVC on facebook! Please share the public fan page with family and friends.
In the next days our PRIVATE group will be reserved for current players, parents, coaches, and board members of the MVLC. We want to use this private group for internal MVLC communications along with our current email protocols.
Thank you for your support and encouragement of our amazing student-athletes as they make their journey through the MVLC along the path to a successful high school graduation and to the next level of where their goals and dreams take them! We are here to support them in any way we can.
Our new PUBLIC FAN page on facebook:…/